(651) 433-243120021 St Croix Trail N
Scandia, MN 55073
Check out our extensive plant library to help you find the perfect plant for your yard. Have a deer problem? Need a plant for a shady spot? Don't want to spend all summer watering? Need that pop of orange in the garden? Search our plant database by specific attributes, like deer resistance, shade tolerance, drought tolerance, bloom color, and more to find the plant that's just right for you.
Abrahamson Nurseries is a full service landscape and design company, garden center, and a greenhouse grower. We offer a wide selection of landscape plants, hardscape materials, tools, and garden decor. Whether you are looking for trees, shrubs, perennials, or annuals; we offer many choices. Our experienced designers and knowledgeable staff can work with you to select the varieties that will work best in your yard. From renovating an entire landscape to planting a single tree - we look forward to working with you!